Revision 2016-09-25
Like most computing languages, Forth supports quote-delimited string literals e.g.
: HELLO-WORLD ." Hello world!" ; S" This is a string literal." ABORT" file not found"
Unlike many languages, there is no way to insert the delimiter
character itself into the above strings. This seemingly strange
omission may be explained as follows:
To illustrate the last point, let's suppose we wish to display the following text.
This string contains "quote" marks.
The standard functions
." S" cannot be used
as the resulting string would consist only of those characters up
to the first
double-quote. The solution is to
PARSE the string using as delimiter, a character
not contained in the text e.g.
CR CHAR | PARSE This string contains "quotes" marks.| TYPE CR
This produces the desired result. If many such strings need to be entered, the process can be simplified with a defining word.
: TEST CR S| This string contains "quotes" marks.| TYPE CR ;
A more complex variation is S\" . This function uses the backslash escape sequences popularized by the C language e.g.
: TEST S\" \n\This string contains \"quote\" marks.\n" TYPE ;
The Real Problem
The previous solutions may be termed "work-arounds"
- that is, they offer a way around a defect or deficiency that
does not
involve change to the function itself. As a temporary solution,
work-arounds pose little problem. When they become part
of the language, the risk is duplication and/or displacement of
the function originally intended to be augmented. S\" is
particularly problematic as it introduces a foreign and competing
syntax into the Forth language.
To avoid these issues, an alternative approach to embedding
quotes and other delimiters is presented - one that addresses
"the real problem". It takes the standard functions ." S" ABORT"
.( etc. and extends them in a manner compatible
with standard behaviour.
Control Characters
Embedding of control characters in string literals is not
supported. Control characters are inherently non-portable and
practice is to output them separately e.g. CR and WRITE-LINE.
Applications requiring strings with embedded control
characters or C-style escapes (e.g. Windows) are properly
supported through library functions rather than within the Forth
Embedding Delimiters
The scheme presented here is the same as that used in Fortran,
Pascal and most assembly language. When it is desired to
embed a delimiter character in a string, simply enter the
character twice e.g.
S" This string contains ""quote"" marks."
.( It works for any delimiter e.g. '))' )
A sample implementation is provided. A full implementation
would include the functions
ABORT" C" which require
system level support to implement.
The following code is public domain with
acknowledgement to Wil Baden on whose code it was based.
\ Embedded delimiters for Forth strings
255 CONSTANT bufmax \ may be greater than 255 characters CREATE buf bufmax CHARS ALLOT : +buf ( addr1 len1 len2 -- len3 ) >R bufmax R@ - MIN ( clip) R> 2DUP + >R CHARS buf + SWAP CMOVE R> ; : /PARSE ( char "ccc<char>" -- addr len ) 0 BEGIN >R DUP PARSE 2DUP R> +buf >R 1+ CHARS + DUP SOURCE CHARS + U< WHILE 2DUP C@ = WHILE 1 DUP >IN +! R> +buf REPEAT THEN 2DROP buf R> ; : S" ( "ccc<">" -- | addr len ) [CHAR] " /PARSE STATE @ IF POSTPONE SLITERAL THEN ; IMMEDIATE : ." ( -- ) POSTPONE S" POSTPONE TYPE ; IMMEDIATE : .( ( "ccc<)>" -- ) [CHAR] ) /PARSE TYPE ; IMMEDIATE \ counted string support : STRING, ( addr u -- ) 255 MIN HERE OVER 1+ CHARS ALLOT PLACE ; : ," ( "ccc<">" -- ) [CHAR] " /PARSE STRING, ; \ : ." POSTPONE (.") ," ; IMMEDIATE \ : C" POSTPONE (C") ," ; IMMEDIATE \ : ABORT" POSTPONE (ABORT") ," ; IMMEDIATE CR .( Testing ... ) CR CR S" This string includes ""quote"" marks" TYPE : test1 CR S" This string includes ""quote"" marks" TYPE ; test1 : test2 CR ." This string includes ""quote"" marks" ; test2 HERE ," This string includes ""quote"" marks" COUNT CR TYPE CR .( It works for any delimiter e.g. '))' )
History 2013-01-30 Generalized for delimiters other than quotes. Minor text changes. 2011-05-03 First release
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Page updated: 25 Sep 2016